Robyn Hitchcock Discography


Where Are The Prawns?

Where Are The Prawns?

The Soft Boys
Released in 1994

Fan Club release
Cassette: BL2

The Astoria, London, 1/13/1994

Track listing:


1. Wey Wey Hep Uh Hole
2. The Face Of Death
3. The Queen Of Eyes
4. The Pigworker
5. Underwater Moonlight
6. Old Pervert
7. Hear My Brane

1. Where Are The Prawns?
2. Insanely Jealous
3. Kingdom Of Love
4. Give It To The Soft Boys
5. Only The Stones Remain
6. Zipper In My Spine
7. I Wanna Destroy You

If you have an addition or correction, please send an e-mail message about it to Bayard Catron.

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